martes, 29 de abril de 2014

More to come!

On April 29th / 2014, we are still working on our project. It hasn´t been so easy, guys! Many things have obligated us to put in practice what we have learned about research and group working. Our first sign with recycled bottles will be build, with our participation, on May 2014! After that, we will be evaluating this experience, and making recommendations for future implementation of the proposed alternative. Our idea is to continue doing this, in our school and the Santa Ana community.

More to come! Thanks for following us!

This is the chosen place to build our first sign, made with recycled bottles

Hope to start as soon as possible! We are very excited 
to see it!

"Barbacoas Bilingual Focus Team" Research Group, showing the site (located at the main entrance of the school). From left to right: Soledad Buelvas, Richard Barcasnegra, Jorge Quiroga, Erenelis Camargo, Merlis Torres and Yusneidis Guerrero).

Second Step - Picking Plastic Bottles at Playa Blanca and Santa Ana

From February to April, the members of BBFT Research Group have been picking up the bottles we need for our sign building (1500 large and 630 small bottles!), at Playa Blanca and Santa Ana.

What is happening in our community?

Some garbage in a private lot at Santa Ana.

Garbage in a wetland at Santa Ana.

A lot of people in Barú Island (natives and tourists) make garbage with plastic bottles, and it is seen in many places. At Barbacoas, which is an ecological school, there are no proper signs that helps visitors and others to locate inside the campus . The Barbacoas Bilingual Focus Team Research Group decided to use these bottles to build the signs, starting with an institucional one.  After that, we will evaluate this use as an alternative  eco-construction, and its  socialization using QR barcodes.

Final Draft of the Design

Our Final Draft for our First Recycled Institutional Sign

We want to share with you our final draft for our first recycled institutional sign, made with plastic bottles (PET # 1). We decided to use PET # 1 (polyethylene terephtalate) because it is easier to recycle.

Here you can observe our final draft:

*Special thanks to our friend Daniel Makouske (architect).


Bennaton, A. Reciclando plástico…construimos! Revista Ecohabitar. No. 19. 2008. URL:

Kusimwiragi, K. (2011). Investigating the compressive strength of plastic bottles as masonry. Tesis de Grado. Uganda Martys University. URL:

Ruiz, D., López, C., Cortes, E., Froese, A. (2012). Nueva alternativa de construcción: Botellas PET con relleno de tierra. En: Apuntes 25 (2): 292 - 303. URL:

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